I would recommend creating a temporary layer in GIMP (or in another program of your choice) and outlining each frame to create a border, as crossing this border could cause the frames to be cut off and incorrect frame orientation will make the animation look less smooth. The game handles animation on its own by cycling through the frames, but you must individually change each frame for it to look right. Each frame of the animation is on the same image, and they’re laid out in a vertical strip. Terraria has a simple method of handling animations, and you can probably already tell what it is. Also make sure that the image has the same file name as when you extracted it! This is very important because the file name allows Terraria to identify the updated texture. Then you don’t have to do any fancy file conversions like we did before. When you are done with the appropriate modifications, simply export your new sprite as PNG. New coloring, new sprite, whatever – do whatever you want! For this example I’ll stick with a simple recoloring. Now we just have to make the desired changes. Here I would recommend to copy this file into another folder, maybe on your desktop. Just search in the folder you just extracted and you will find the right file. The best way is to search the Terraria Wiki and look in the info box: At the bottom is the “Internal Item ID”. Now you just have to find out which file you want to edit. If you use Windows, you don’t need to download any additional software.

Unfortunately Microsoft Paint replaces the transparent pixels with white ones, then Terraria is full of white squares. First of all you need a program to open and edit PNG files. Now it is time to start the correct editing. After some time the files will be output to the specified Output Folder.

If the correct folder is specified in the “Input” Folder field, you should simply press Extract. TConvert is not a virus, some antivirus programs simply warn you about unsigned. Virus? Don’t worry if your anti-virus program works.
NET Framework 4.5.2 | Windows 7 or later